If you want to discover Old Oman, where men can wear nothing other than white dishdashas and their fathers bemoan the fact that khanjars and gun belts (how dare Yemenis show them up when it comes to tradition!) are no longer worn on a regular basis, the village of Misfah al Abriyan is for you. Just a short drive up from Al Hamra near Nizwa, is makes a beautiful picnic/day trip from Nizwa to splash around in the falaj and hike and see the veiw, where houses are still in the traditional Omani style, with Sarooj instead of cement,

Hey, look, it is Ali by the swimming pool;). When the Falj is full they fill the swimming pool and kids jump off the roof into the pool.

And this is Abdullah.

The swimming pool, not filled:

If you want to surprise a local (apparently I did) ask him or her which family they are from. If Al Hatali, they originally came from Wadi Bani Auf and intermarried into the Al Abri there. If Al Abri (most from Al Hamra ARE) ask in Misfah which family they fall under, Aulad Omran, Aulad Saif, or Aulad [um, I forget now lol]. But it sure scared (in a good way) people that I knew that LOL!

And ladies: please respect the village way of life by covering arms and legs. Thank you!

A friend sent me a video of the Eid celebrations here which included traditional dances. I TOTALLY want to see that next year, inshaAllah!

TIP: As you are a guest of the willayat (village) ask to see the Sabla (meeting place). Maybe someone will give you dates and coffee;)
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