[this is one I had to look up because before I cam to Oman, I had never heard of "ibadhiya"]
"Ibadi" is a word used in the Quran that litterally means "Allah's Slaves/Servants"
Some believe it to be the earliest Islamic School of thought on Islam, founded only 50 years of the death of the Prophet Mohamed SAW, derived from the Kharijites.
Kharijites (literally "Those who Went Out") is a general term embracing various Muslims of the first and second generations of Islam who, while initially supporting the leadership of the fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, later rejected him. They first emerged in the late 7th century AD, concentrated in today's southern Iraq, and are distinct from the Sunnis and Shias. Kharijites insist that any Muslim could be a leader of the Muslim community and on the right to revolt against any ruler who deviated from the example of the Islamic Prophet Mohamed.
They believed it is not a must for the Islamic caliph to be from a certain tribe or the Prophet Mohamed's bloodline. Any pious Muslim nominated by other Muslims can be an eligable caliph. Obedience to such a Caliph is binding as long as that Caliph/leader is managing affairs with justice and consultation, but if he deviates, then obedience is not obligatory.
WHICH, CONSEQUENTLY, OPNO does believe also, although I am not Ibadhi. So many Sunni among the Salaf label me a Kharjite though I consider myself Salafi (funny that, huh?).
I don't know if I would have been one though because, the Kharjites (and most Ibadhi) believe that the act of sinning is analogous to Kufr (disbelief---a thing Muslims are absolutely forbidden with punishment tatamount to death in Islam) and that every grave sinner was regarded as KafirKaafir (disbeliever) unless he repents.
[Madhab is an Islamic word for School of Thought/Islamic Jurisprudence]
The only surrviving group of the Kharjites, are the Omani Ibadhi who do not equate themselves with the Kharjites whose school of thought theirs arrives from, instead attributing themselves to Jabir ibn Zaid al-'Azdi from Nizwa, Oman, although scholars peg it with Abdullah ibn Ibadh at-Tamimi as MORE LIKELY (died 708).
Unlike the Kharijites, the Ibadhi have abandoned the practice of disassociation with other Muslims and labelling all Muslim sinners as Kuffar/disbelievers, although they dislike to maintain strong friendships with Muslims they do not believe are practicing correctly. Nor do they believe in hostility with other religions such as Judaism and Christianity without first being attacked.
Originally the Kharijites believed that the removal of any Caliph who was not practising Islam to the dictates of the Prophet Mohamed SAW (they saw Uthman ibn Affan as introducing bidas [innovation forbidden in the religion]) was a requirement of the Muslim citizenry, even through the act of assassination, as was done to Ali ibn Abi Talib, and attempted upon Muawiya [if you are familiar with Islamic history after the death of the Prophet Mohamed SAW these references will make sense, if not, don't worry, they are just examples!]
Ibadhi in majority, while approving the removal of an Islamic Calipha/Muslim leader, do not condone killing sinners for Kuffar as a means to an end.
Key differences between Ibadhi and other schools of thoughts/madhabs:
-Ibadhi believe that the most Islamically knowledgeable and skilled should be leader of the Muslims, and one not following Islam directly should not be followed by the Muslim citizenry
-Ibadhi do not make dua (*I'll explain in another post) during the 5 daily prayers unless for rain which a special prayer.
-Ibadhi do not believe God can be seen in Paradise as according to the Qur'an where Moses/MusaMusa is told upon asking to see God, "You shall not see me." This is contrary to the mainstream Sunni belief that Muslims will see God with their eyes on the day of Judgment, but the same as the Shia opinion.
-Ibadhi believe that once in the hellfire, one stays there, unlike the Majority Sunni belief that those Muslims who enter the Hellfire will live therein for a fixed amount of time, to purify them of their shortcomings, after which they will enter Paradise. Sunnis also believe, however, that unbelievers in "One God" (without association of others with God) will be in the Hellfire forever.
-Ibadhi believe the Quran was created at a certain time
-Ibadhi pray with their hands at their sides and not crossed on above or below their chests
-Ibadhi do not believe Quran can be recited at all by an individual unless that individual has preformed ritual cleansing
-Ibadhi believe if the fast of Ramadan is broken they must fast two consecutive months to make up the fast
[and various other small differences in Islamic jurisprudence]
On history and the Islamic Caliphate/Leadership of the Muslim Population:
Ibadis agree with Sunnis in approving of Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab, whom they regard as the two rightly-guided Leaders/Caliphs. They regard Uthman ibn Affa as having introduced bida "innovations" into Islam, and approve of the revolt which overthrew him. They also approve of the first part of Ali's caliphate, and, like Shi'as, disapprove of Aisha's rebellion against him and also disapprove of Muawiya's revolt. However, they regard Ali's acceptance of arbitration at the Battle of Siffin against Muawiya's rebels as un-Islamic and as rendering him unfit for the Imamate/role of Calipha/Leader of the Muslims, and they condemn Ali for killing the Muslims of an-Nahr in the Battle of Nahrawan
In their belief, the fifth legitimate Caliph was Abdullah ibn Wahb al-Rasibi. All Caliphs from Muawiya onwards are regarded as tyrants except Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, on whom opinions differ. However, various later Ibadi leaders are recognized as Caliphas to the Ibadhi population, including Abdullah ibn Yahya al-Kindi of South Arabia and the imams of the Rustamid dynasty in North Africa.
***The last so-called Calipha/Imam (I personally don't think much of the Ibadhi population serriously equated him on the same level as following the Prophet Mohamed sallalahu alahi wa salam) was Ghalib of Oman).
View of hadith:
Ibadi Islam accepts many Sunni hadith, while rejecting others, and accepts some hadith not accepted by Sunnis. Ibadi jurisprudence is based only on the hadith accepted by Ibadis, which are far less numerous than those accepted by Sunnis. Several of Ibadism's founding figures – in particular Jabir ibn Zayd – were noted for their hadith research, and Jabir ibn Zayd is accepted as a reliable narrator by Sunni scholars as well as Ibadi ones.
The principal hadith collection accepted by Ibadis is al-Jami'i al-Sahih, also called Musnad al-Rabi ibn Habib, as rearranged by Abu Ya'qub Yusuf b. Ibrahim al-Warijlani. Most of its hadith are reported by Sunnis, while several are not. The rules used for determining the reliability of a hadith are given by Abu Ya'qub al-Warijlani, and are largely similar to those used by Sunnis; they criticize some of Mohammed SAW's companions, believing that some were corrupted after the reign of the first two caliphs. The Ibadi jurists accept hadith narrating the words of the companions as a third basis for legal rulings, alongside the Qur'an and hadith relating Muhammad's words.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Daily Diary: Al Bustan Fashion Show

Islam in Oman for Beginners: What percentage of the Omani population are Muslims and what do they believe?
As in the other Arabic countries, Islam stands as the main religion in Oman. Islam is in fact, the official religion of Oman, though the Basic Law of the country is liberal towards the other religions as well.
About eighty six percent of the country's population comprises of Muslims who have been residing in the region since the advent of Islam. Omanis accepted Islam during the Prophet Mohamed's lifetime. The other religious groups which the country accommodates have actually migrated to settle in the country in recent years, or have been formed as a result of the country's interaction with the foreign nations. About thirteen percent of the population in Oman comprises of Hindus, who have primarily migrated to the country. A small section of the country follows Christianity as Catholicism had entered the country in some phase of history. Previously, before Islam, many Omanis in various regions were pagans, Christian, or Jewish.
Oman has three major Islamic groups (ways of labelling a set of beliefs concerning Islamic Principles that often have small differences in jurisprudance and politics). All are Muslims under Omani Law
Most of the Muslims in Oman belong to the Ibadi sect, and though the branch has gradually waned in the other Muslim countries. Oman alone still boasts of a majority of Ibadi population. The non Ibadi population comprises mostly of Sunni muslims, who contribute to about twenty five percent of the religion in Oman. A minor portion of the population follows the Shia sect.
As in the other Arabic countries, Islam stands as the main religion in Oman. Islam is in fact, the official religion of Oman, though the Basic Law of the country is liberal towards the other religions as well.
About eighty six percent of the country's population comprises of Muslims who have been residing in the region since the advent of Islam. Omanis accepted Islam during the Prophet Mohamed's lifetime. The other religious groups which the country accommodates have actually migrated to settle in the country in recent years, or have been formed as a result of the country's interaction with the foreign nations. About thirteen percent of the population in Oman comprises of Hindus, who have primarily migrated to the country. A small section of the country follows Christianity as Catholicism had entered the country in some phase of history. Previously, before Islam, many Omanis in various regions were pagans, Christian, or Jewish.
Oman has three major Islamic groups (ways of labelling a set of beliefs concerning Islamic Principles that often have small differences in jurisprudance and politics). All are Muslims under Omani Law
Most of the Muslims in Oman belong to the Ibadi sect, and though the branch has gradually waned in the other Muslim countries. Oman alone still boasts of a majority of Ibadi population. The non Ibadi population comprises mostly of Sunni muslims, who contribute to about twenty five percent of the religion in Oman. A minor portion of the population follows the Shia sect.
Islam in Oman for Beginners: What is Islam? Who/What is Allah? What makes a Muslim?

Sure. I like people being all ignorant on me for a game, or losing my job prospects for a game.
But unlike most peoples' mothers, my mother is very familiar with Muslims in Oman, whether practising their religion or not. And while she is very familiar with Muslims, she is not at all familiar with Islam.
In fact, alot people in Oman probably are not, so I will start this totally fun section where you can ask whatever you like and I will not be offended and will try to post with evidence from historical and Islamic sources wen answering questions. Note, I am a blogger, not an Islamic historian (except on the subjects of women's clothing, and slavery).
WHAT IS ISLAM- and under that header, who is Allah, can one practice any other faith than Islam and still believe in one God [at least in the eys of Muslims]?
Islam is the belief in One God, and of worshipping that One God ALONE. The word "Islam" litterally means "surrender" or "submission" and in the context of Islam it means surrender or submission through complete worship and obedience of the will of Allah [alone, and not through others before Allah]. That means that no bishop, Imam, priest, human being such as a Prophet (the Prophet Mohammed, Jesus as Christ, Ali...) angel, Saint, or physical object (such as a Church, Mosque, relic, or the Ka'bah) can grant us or aid us- before -or-on-the-behalf-of Allah (S.W.T.). Allah has said "God is one, the only one. Allah helps and does not need help. He begat none (had no children), nor was He begotten (was not born of anyone). None is equal to Him." -Surah Ikhlas (from the Qu'ran).
So who/what is Allah? Allah is simply the Arabic and Islamic word for God, meaning, the One God, the only God, and thus it is a better word to describe God than just plain old "god" which could mean anything. All other gods or attempts at faith are pale imitations of making physical just one wondrous character of the one God, Allah (S.W.T)., or a great devised falsehood with a selfish historical purpose behind it. There are so many "gods" in this world, and the word "God" can be used to decribe any number of them, so it is simply safer to use the Arabic word "Allah" if one is speaking of the True God, the Only God [Muslim here, please don't be offended!]. A great misconception of Islam is that "Allah" is a different God than the God of the Christians and the Jews, when in fact, Allah (S.W.T) is the exact SAME Creator who spoke to Abraham, Issaac, Ishmael, Moses, and Jesus (of the Torah and the Bible), trying to inform mankind about the importance of worshipping and obeying only "One God".
Adam= Adam
Alyasa'= Elisha
Ayyub= Job
Dawud= David
Dhul-Kifl= Dhul-kifl
Harun= Aaron
Hud= Hud
Ibrahim= Abraham
Idris= Enoch
Iliyas= Elias
Ishaq= Isaac
Ismail= Ishmael
Lut= Lot
Mohammed= Mohammed or Ahmed
Musa= Moses
Nuh= Noah
Salih= Salih
Shu'aib= Shu'aib
Sulaiman= Soloman
Ya'qub= Jacob
Yahya= John
Yunis= Jonah
Yusef= Joseph
Zakariyya= Zechariah
"...We believe in the faith of Abraham, the upright one. He was no idolater. ...We believe in Allah and that which has been revealed to Abraham, Ishamael, Issac, Jacob, and the tribes; to Moses and Jesus and the other Prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them, and to Him [Allah] we submit." -Surah Al Bakara 2:136 (from the Qu'ran).
Adam= Adam
Alyasa'= Elisha
Ayyub= Job
Dawud= David
Dhul-Kifl= Dhul-kifl
Harun= Aaron
Hud= Hud
Ibrahim= Abraham
Idris= Enoch
Iliyas= Elias
Ishaq= Isaac
Ismail= Ishmael
Lut= Lot
Mohammed= Mohammed or Ahmed
Musa= Moses
Nuh= Noah
Salih= Salih
Shu'aib= Shu'aib
Sulaiman= Soloman
Ya'qub= Jacob
Yahya= John
Yunis= Jonah
Yusef= Joseph
Zakariyya= Zechariah
"...We believe in the faith of Abraham, the upright one. He was no idolater. ...We believe in Allah and that which has been revealed to Abraham, Ishamael, Issac, Jacob, and the tribes; to Moses and Jesus and the other Prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them, and to Him [Allah] we submit." -Surah Al Bakara 2:136 (from the Qu'ran).
Of course, we, mankind, are not very good at this, and we like to put up selfish idols before Allah, or lift up men and false "gods" for our own fame or political gain, since Allah requests of us, that we help one another, refrain from that which harms the world we have been entrusted with and distribute the goods we have been bestowed upon those who need it most. Also, that we humble ourselves, which is so very hard to do, when one refuses to look up and beyond one's self.
So, if we believe in Allah, do we have to follow Islam?
Can we not say, be Christian or practice Judaism, and still believe in "Allah"?
Allah (S.W.T) calls Christians and Jews "People of the Book" for to them is was revealed, the Torah, and the Bible. Those who practice Islam follow the Qu'ran. Of the People of the Book Allah (S.W.T) says: "They Declare: 'None shall enter Heaven but Jews and Christians.' Such are their wishful fancies [the same applies to so-called followers of Islam] Say: 'Let us have your proof, if what you say be true.' Indeed, those that submit to God and do good works shall be recompensed by their Lord: they shall have nothing to fear or regret." "Believers, Jews, Sabaeans and Christians- whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does what is right- shall have nothing to fear or regret." -Surah Al Bakara 5:69.
So obviously, any person of the book who practices their religion as it was revealed by Allah (S.W.T) [not a corrupted, falsified document through translation, and falsification for political and historical reasons] believing in One God, and obeying One God, would actually be practicing Islam. Unfortunately, to believe Jesus is the son of God and could forgive the sins of mankind is an act of idolatry, to associate partners with Allah (S.W.T) and to give a human being a power belonging only to Allah (S.W.T). So if you are Christian in most modern Christrian sects, you do not believe in One God. You believe a man had the powers of God, or that God needed to put Divinity into another, and this is a different religion than the one Allah laid done in law before Moses and Jesus. As for those who practice Judaism, worshipping false Gods was forbidden to you as you had been done in the time of the Jewish King Herod (who built a pagan temple for the Romans) and before him, when the calf was slaughtered in Egypt. If you are any of the Jews who follow their scholars (this goes for Muslims too) over the word of Allah/God, then you are committing an act of setting up a false idol in yourselves when you say none can come to Allah unless they be born of the Jewish race, they marry a Jewish man and have Jewish children, or they be circumsized. None of these things have anything to do with believing in only one God!!!!! And Jesus spoke thus to those who first followed him.
Islam is so beautiful because it is not a religion named after a tribe of people or an individual, as Judaism is named after the tribe of Judah, Christianity after Christ, or Buddhism after Buddha. Islam is a global faith, not of East or West "To Allah belongs the east and west. Whichever way you face there is Allah" -Surah 2:115. It is a complete way of life, with guidance from Allah on every issue one could possibly face. It was not Mohammed (S.A.W) but Adam, who first brought Islam to humanity. Then each prophet and messenger came to exhort peoples to a clear understanding of God`s commandments. The last (and only) perfectly preserved revelation (in its original wording and translation) is the holy Qu`ran. Belief in the Qu`ran, and following the guidance of the Prophet (S.A.W) who the Qu`ran was revealed to is part of belief in, and adhereing to in practice, Islam.
Researching the authenticity of the Quran is another post which I promise to later make for you;)
Why do Muslim have to believe in what the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) says about Islam? Why can`t one just follow what the Qu`ran says?
Following the actions of the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) is actually submitting to a commandment within the Qu`ran, which states "And whatsoever the Messenger [Mohammed (S.A.W)] gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain [from it], and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment." -Surah 59:7.
And so, it is to the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) I look to for a clear understanding of what Islam is, and what it requires of me, a believer in Allah (S.W.T).
"When asked `what is Islam? ` the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said: "Islam is based on the following five pillars:
1.) To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Mohammed is Allah`s messenger.
1.) To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Mohammed is Allah`s messenger.
2.) To offer the [five fard] prayers dutifully and perfectly.
3.) To pay zakat [obligatory] charity
4.) To preform Hajj [pilgrimage to Mecca to the Ka`bah] if one can afford it or has the health to make the journey.
5.) To fast during the month of Ramadan."
-Sahih Al-Bukhari, [Eng. Trans. vol. 1 /7 ]
Anyone who intentionally strives their outmost to uphold and fulfull these five pillars of Islam due to belief in Allah as the One God is one who practices Islam. One who practices Islam freely and of their own will is called a "Muslim". "Muslimah" is the word for a female muslim, a woman who practices and believes in Islam. "Muslim" is not a religion seperate from Islam, but the person practicing Islam.
So, as far are the Prophet Mohamed SAW was concerned, by definition Mum, I AM a Muslim.
Colonial Interior Design

Monday, November 29, 2010
Here we come again...our booth
Saturday 10:30 at Subang Parade, In front of Celebrity Fitness, 1st Floor, Booth 2
Year End Sales with Great Deals @ our booth. Please do come & create the excitement at our bazaar! Furthermore we can show you how to wear & you can even try to... look whether you're ok with the look when you try our hijab.
Jualan Akhir Tahun dengan pelbagai tawaran yang menarik di booth kami. Mari memeriahkan suasana di booth kami! Dalam masa yang sama kami boleh memberi tunjuk ajar & anda boleh lihat sendiri sama ada anda ok atau tidak bila memakai hijab Dura.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Dura Fashion Booth moments...
Salam All,
Dura Fashion extend the booth until today 28/11/2010- Sunday. So if anyone miss yesterday event. Hopefully you guys can come for today event. But today we will be in the upper ramp in front of Perabot/ Furniture Shop near lift @ booth 37. Okie guys, look for Dura Fashion Booth.
These are some of the moments @ the Bazaar with family, sporting friends and fans....
With Kak Mona |
Hubby |
My c's in law- Sarah |
With Dilla Cherom, Fadz LAC |
My little & cutie fans |
With youandme.blogspot.com |
With youandme.blogspot.com |
With Kak Rozita, Jannah |
With Putri |
Her face like Hana Maysaa, she's 23!. Really alike |
Friday, November 26, 2010
Omani Architecture: OPNO's favourite Mosques, for the eye, and the soul

Queen Elizabeth the II formally greeted yesterday with the Prince of Edinburgh

OPNO: "I think it's kinda cute."
My father: "Well you like to live in that Colonial mind-set sandbox."
ABOVE, His Majesty presents the Royal couple with a gift. His Highness seems to like it but Her Majesty is like, ah, another gold vase, ho hum. Curb appeal, your Majesty Baba Qaboos, curb appeal!
But the Omani answer? Who NEEDS curb appeal when you can buy two things! This time a fabulous faberge-esque gold egg. Her Majesty likes this one better!

The Horses of Oman

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